Sunday, October 21, 2007
hey ya bloggers..
went out yesterday with my friends for the first time..(yes,for the first time!!)
we celebrated arvin's birthday at the botanical garden with a couple of close friends...
some people didnt want to have a picnic as they thought it was B-O-R-I-N-G..
boy were they wrong...
ok so the day went like this...
people started calling me coz they couldnt contact the birthday boy whom they were supposed to meet up with to meet below our falt..
alot of changes happened and things didnt go the way they were planned..
first of all andrew was late(no use calling him by his nickname since he knows it already..)
then areum got pissed coz we were half an our late plus she was at the other side of the botanic garden and has to take a taxi again to go to the side where we were...
oh yeah..before we go to the happenings at the b. garden...
arvin called me and told me they were downstairs then suddenly he told me that he has some news for me..
i knew it was bad coz my heart was pounding like crazy..
so i went downstairs and saw everyone waiting...
then i grabbed arvin and asked him whats the news..
then andrew was like nicole is wearing a skirt...blah blah blah..
arvin was whispering that andrew knew..
i was like knew what?
and he said that andrew thinks that i still had a crush on him and i was like wth!!who told him that?how did he found out??when?where??
then arvin said it was in the bus and they were talking about something else and how andrew told them to stop talking about it coz he knows and nothing is gonna change...
that guy is really so thick skinned..
okay so he is my bestfriend or close friend or whtaever but i still thinks he's thick skinned!
the nerves of him!
arvin said that nobody wanted me to know but he said that he tld me coz he thinks i have the right to know..
and i was like the hell ofcourse i have the right!
and so i was like really pissed and i was glaring at andrew all the time...
and everybody else told me not to get pissed and asked arvin why did he tell me.
after reaching
we couldnt find areum and she kept callng but we still cat figure ou where she was..
so we find a place first set the mat and the food..
then me and arvin looked for areum..
we were only gone for 3 mins and when we looked lizza, andrew arlyn and cindy was already eating the sandwhich and drinking the drinks i brought!
and arvin and i was like, stop eating!!thats so rude and all..
finally we found areum after almost an hour..
she was really pissed and she just cooled down a little after we reached our spot..
we then ate then after that we played truth or dare..
it was great!
totally fun!
we even recorded some of the scenes..
cindy cat walked..
andrew sang and danced..
totally funny too..
then we played doctor quack quack..
and people were like looking at us and laughing at us!!
we palyed lots more games and we were so dirty,,
after alot of ganes we cut the cake..
the some climbed the tree and then took pictures..
at the bus stop areum went on a different bus and the rest of us took 106..
the bus was full that we were already at the stairs..
and we were like smellig each other..
anyway...that day was really fun!
we paln to do it again!!
happy bday arvz!!
Labels: birthdays, chaos, crushes, friends, picnic
I LOVE YOU 10/21/2007 08:27:00 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
im gonna be a junior!!! XD
time flies so fast...
im gonna be a junior next year!!
but before i was,er,,,excited, i was really pissed!!
seriously pissed!
you know why?
i'll tell you why..
because a monster came to our class and stole arvin's class position meaning my class position would have gone down too...
the hell with it..
but i talked to my form teacher and she told me im still on the top 5..
hopefully still at the 3rd position...
i have to wait tomorrow to know my position..
the tension!!
bestfriend (who i mentioned was the monster),knew i was pissed at him...
haix... was great...
we all went crazy with the books in the library...
andrew or should i say "bestfriend" was making me so embarrassed by asking me questions or should i say meaning of words in the book i asked him to read..
he asked words like,,,um,, crotch!!!
he also asked me whether i can still see it!!
for pete's sake!!
Labels: craziness, junior, school
I LOVE YOU 10/18/2007 04:15:00 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
phew-uh wait! oh..phew! wth
hey bloggers!
just found out my results yesterday!
i was seriously freakin out coz i know there's a 101% chance that i can fail 2 or more subjects..
but surprise,surprise!
i passed everything!
go me!
God is still good to me...
anyways, i kinda feel sorry for my friends who failed..
its for the streaming and somehow this already affects our future...
but i know everything happens for a reason so maybe everything is just a blessing in disguise...
anyway i was really excited to go back to school after the almost one week holiday but i didn't really enjoy it much...
wanna know why?
either way i'll tell you..
well besides the tension when they were giving back the exam papers, er... a teacher asked us to re-arrange the chairs for the so-called graduation and only the councillors are the ones to do it...and that's only part of it..i mean i could have been in class enjoying myself and just chatting with friends but instead i have to help out to re-arrange the tables and chairs....haix...and the irritating part about it is that some called councillors didn help unless you call talking helping....hmph..
yeah...and...what else??
oh yeah, after that we went back to class and argued with bestfriend again...
i mean i don't know how he knew but he knows i told arvin that he apologized to me..
he said that he has a spy..
oh yeah and he's kindda making a big deal out of it coz he made me promise not to tel anyone he actually apologized...
talk about ego and pride...
he said that my he can read me easily...
but like, i don't think so coz then he should have known that i
used to have a crush on him
he also said that he knows i'm keeping something from him which is so not true coz im not...
well maybe the fact that i used to have a crush on him..again emphasis on the used to....
and well.. kindda told him that yeah i was keeping something from him.....
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and its lizza having a crush on him...
and lizza got totally angry with me..
sorry Lizzie!!
and well i only said that because he said he knows what im hiding from him and i tried to make him tell abut he wouldn't so i just made up a lie....
i know..
im horrible and mean...
but i only did it coz i don't want him to know the truth...
moving on to the so called graduation....
well i have some description for it which are:
its like a sleeping pill you know...
and i mean no decorations..
no toga?
im not sure what you call it in english..
but anyway!
its a big 0!!
it sucks!
no offence..
the speeches made were boring that even *cough* Cindy fell asleep!
no kidding...
my dream of having a decent graduation ceremony came crashing down on me...
and i don't think they have a prom!!!
whats happening to my high school experience!!!
um,,,the people in here should learn to loosen up...
till here...
Labels: crushes, exams, school
I LOVE YOU 10/17/2007 06:15:00 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
its over...atleast i want it to be over....
exams are over but im not feeling too good about it...believe me....
i think that my results are gonna be disastrous...
i mean i really did study...believe me..
i have my bulging eyebags to prove it!!!
talk about waking up at 2.30 in the morning and taking a bath just to stay awake..
not pleasant at all.
but more exems for this year..
just struggling to be optimistic about the results..
anyway..just went to arvin's house just now..
talk about being out of place..
didnt enjoy it all...
but i did get to humour myself when i fell down in front of my friends... hurts...
its a good thing i know how to make fun of myself now a days..
not unlike last time where i would have been so embarrassed... just sick of changes you know?
i have been going through changes a lot especially now.. starting to hate myself.
i dont know whats happening to me...
seriously a little girl i never dared to do anything that i know its wrong..
its a if i know the boundaries of my actions that i never dared to step towards it all.
even my classmates call me a goody shoes....
and when it comes to just so vain about it...
i always believed that i can be friends with someone forever and that everyone that i thought was my friend is really my friend..
and then as a freshmen student in high school..i encountered "plastics","backstabbers" and all sorts of people..
and then being naive was out of my dictionary...
i mean i still do make mistakes on choosing friends,but for now i think that the people i call my friends are really are my friends...
and now i noticed a lot of changes in me..
i admit that im kinda plastic now a days..
im being very possesive that i have no right to be possesive of....
its just so horrible..
i dont like this changes...
i mean i used to be quiet but now its as if i lost my poise..
i just hope that the changes will come to an end,but i know it impossible...
for now....all i can do is just to go with the flow and dream of a happy ending thats never gonna come true.....
Labels: changes, lessons learnt, life
I LOVE YOU 10/11/2007 03:24:00 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
crazy life

hey pipz
it has been a long time since i blogged
all my other posts was erased
for some *cough* reasons.....
a lot of things happened..
broke some ties with some people
but got the chance to strengthen my relationship with others
i guess some things are blessings in disguise..
anyway,im just going with the quotation of "whatever happens happens"
i mean, everything must have happened for some reason...
for now, i just wanna enjoy every day...
for now im just enjoying life with my friends...
there's lizard,arvina,arlyn,bruha and bestfriend...
they're all crazy,but i love them anyway....
Labels: life
I LOVE YOU 10/06/2007 01:31:00 PM